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Prayer for the water protectors at Standing Rock
The Israeli tribe gathered in prayer for Standing Rock in the center of Tel Aviv. The part in Hebrew, translated below, is about the prophecies and what happened at Standing Rock since April this year.
Towards the end it is about water is life and a prayer for the rain to come, we need rain in Israel.
The prayer for the people at Standing Rock in English is at 14.55
Feel free to share, especially to friends who are there. <3
Love.English translation:
Chief Crazy Horse saw in 1877, that the youth of the 7th generation will gather people from all over the world under the tree of life and the world will be a whole circle again.
He saw that there will be days, where greed and abuse will rule our planet, people will be thirsty for the connection with spirit, and the role of the natives will be to teach and remind us that mother earth is sacred.
Other prophecies tell us that if the big black snake would cross the natives’ sacred lands, the end of humanity would be near. In those days the seven tribes would gather and people from all over the planet would join, to fight the black snake.
The prophecy of the Inca people of South America, speaks about days where the eagle of the north and the condor of the south would fly together in the sky, and humanity would wake up.The events at Standing Rock have started in April with the youth, the seventh generation,when they heard, a pipeline would cross their treaty lands and would pass under the sacred water of the Missouri River.
They ran from North Dakota to the White House to raise the awareness about the upcoming danger.
The women of Standing Rock, supporting the youth built a camp close to where the pipe line was planned , by the river, Sacred Stone Camp.A few weeks later, Seven tipi’s were built and the seven sacred fires were lit in the Seven Council Fire Camp, Oceti Sakowin (the video shows the altar in the center of the prayer circle, where seven pyramids were placed to symbolize Oceti Sakowin)
They were a few dozens of people, they called themselves Water Protectors. Their only weapon: prayers and songs.
During the month of August, they were joined by hundreds of tribes from allover the world, North and South America, Canada, Alaska, Hawaii, New Zealand and more. There were very emotional moments of union of tribes that have not met for more than hundred years.
Horsemen on the roads, canoes on the river, joined the camp with prayers, dances and songs. Flags of all the tribes started to fill the main road of Oceti Sakowin. Ceremonies and prayers were held at camp day and night to stop the Black Snake. The elders holding a vibe of non violence and high vibration of prayer. People from whole the world heard the call and joined. A large and fast growing community of supporters holding space from abroad.
The Water protectors were met by unproportionate violence of the authorities, acting as a private army of DAPL.
Main stream media and the government stayed silent,although many have called to stop the horror. Journalists were arrested just for reporting the violence. We witnessed basic human rights, freedom of speech, freedom of press brutally violated.
During months, the only reports of what is really happening on site, were on social media., the more violent the police was, the more people joined to support.
People were violently dragged out of sweat lodges and prayer ceremonies to be arrested, rubber bullets, maces, freezing water and sound cannons, attack dogs, grenades were used and unlawful arrests were made.
Many wounded that where difficult to evacuate because of blocked roads by the North Dakota police state.
Thousands called the White House, DOJ, Amnesty, the UN and more. While helicopters and planes were scouting over the camp night and day, in attempt to sabotage and limit cellular connection so that the world would not watch the horrors and know the truth.
A few weeks ago, veterans got organized, people who fought in Vietnam, Irak and Afganisthan, and said “We made an oath to protect the citizens of the United States. The armed police of North Dakota is using weapons that we were not allowed to use in front of the enemy. We are self-deploying in order to form a protection wall between the water protectors and the police”
This last week end, more than 5000 veterans arrived to the camp that had already reached a population of close to 10000 people. Very deep touching ceremonies of healing and prayer were held.
Last Sunday, Obama, fearing a civil war, declared the easement to drill under the Missouri River was denied.
The camp is under the snow, freezing temperatures, still water protectors don’t intend to leave before they witness DAPL leaving.
DAPL has declared that they are continuing to drill, no matter what. They count on Trump who has invested in the project to reverse Obama’s decision.We have won a battle, but not the war.
What is really important, as in the prophecies, the tribes have united and are regaining their power. They are teaching humanity about the sacredness of the earth, the water and the power of prayer. And thanks to them, the world understands that the power of change is in our hands, for our kids to have a future on planet earth.!The English prayer: “To the strong amazing people of Standing Rock.
The Israeli tribe has gathered in prayer tonight to support you and thank you for what you are doing.
It is awesome to see you reclaiming your power and sovereignty.
Fulfillling your role as moral and spiritual leaders in this world, for the future of our children and mother earth.
We love you and we are standing with you!
A’ho Mitake Oyasin!
.Posted by Ori Aveni on Wednesday, 7 December 2016
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